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  • Dmitry Shklyar

Addreality launched the first Digital Signage project in China

The Russian company Addreality, a software developer of Digital Signage systems and client's analytics, has completed the first pilot project in China. Together with the partner company Eastidea, Addreality connected the StreetUnion fashion chain stores to the Addreality Sphere platform to manage digital video and audio content. Each store has three video walls at the door entrance, Audio system control and WiFi-analytics. StreetUnion plans - to develop cooperation with Addreality platform by embedding SaaS solutions in 150 stores in the future.

Video walls are installed as digital storefronts, on which promotional materials and clothing collections are broadcast. The cloud version of the Addreality platform - Addreality Sphere - centrally manages digital content at all points of broadcast, helps in creating graphic material, preparing media plans and analyzing the behavior of visitors.

"The Chinese Digital Signage market is the fastest growing in the world - in 2017-2018 only PID (public information display, outdoor information displays) in China will account for almost half of the world's - 47%, compared with 20% in Europe and 19% in USA, "comments Dmitry Shklyar, CEO and founder of Eastidea. - The Chinese consumer is familiar with Digital Signage, so the main focus is on the quality of content and how it is delivered to the consumer. We act not just as a solution provider, but also provide consulting services for communications between the client and the brand. "

Sound design allows you to target content to target groups, improve the effectiveness of ads and the average check. WiFi analytics calculates OTS (probability-to-see), the average contact time and frequency of the messages displayed to a particular mac-address, as well as clear conversion rates-for example, how the promotion of an action affected the further movement of the buyer in the store and the composition of his purchase.

"Many developers of Digital Signage solutions are already working on the Chinese market. The main criterion for choosing a system for us was its functionality and the possibility of a quick start, - comments StreetUnion GM -Ben Almagor. - With Addreality we got, first, a ready solution from the cloud, and secondly, detailed statistics and analysis of client behavior. For us, this is not an image project, but a working tool to increase efficiency and profit. "

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